Monday, August 23, 2010
Entourage S07E08 Torrent
The plot of the Entourage S07E08 is that Ari goes through a huge attitude improvement attempt which he fails, but in good spirit he keeps on trying. This motivation was because of an exposure of his bad mouthing on Deadline Hollywood and due to the bad publicity impulse he gets on the path to redemption.
Meanwhile things between Eric and Vince get tense because when Eric became Vince’s manager Vince warned him to keep their relationship out of the professional tensions. Well in this episode a situation circles back to them that shakes up their relationship to a very big extent.
The thing is that Eric suggests that Vince is on a downward spiral because of his drug problems and that is true, because Vince knows that he has a problem. That is why he didn’t take the drug test when the director of Airwalker required him to, as a result of which the director backed off from the actor.
Vince doesn’t seem to be recovering from his drug problems any time soon but he does try to convince everybody that he doesn’t have a problem. On the bad side he shows an outburst in front of Eric instead of realizing his own faults and that creates a hole in their friendship.
Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 HD Video Streaming – Watch Entourage Now!
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Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 Free Online: Entourage s07e08 Sniff Sniff Gang Bang Live Stream
Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 Free Online: Entourage s07e08 Sniff Sniff Gang Bang Live Stream
The Entourage Season 7 is now on its Episode 8. This will be air on Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 10:00pm. . This episode will be available on A&E. Hopefully there will be a available The Glades Season 1 Episode 7 Cassadaga Free Online Live Stream.
Don’t miss the upcoming new episode of The Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 entitled Sniff Sniff Gang Bang
Eric is informed by Phil Yagoda (William Fichtner) that the network is interested in Drama’s show, though the star is not enthused about its content. In the wake of recent bad press, Ari attempts to fashion a kinder, gentler persona at work and home. When demand for Turtle’s tequila line outpaces production, he sets out to find new sources of funding.
Do you have anything to say? Why not share your comment below? Hope to hear from you..
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Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 Online
The newest episode of Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 is entitled "Sniff Sniff Gang Bang" and it is 83rd episode of the entire Entourage series. Last week episode of Entourage was entitled "Tequila and Coke", Ari courted Jessica Simpson, Aaron Sorkin and Mike Tyson when he sensed Lizzie may be plotting against him; porn star Sasha Grey made a good impression on Vince, who brought her to a meeting with comic-book icon Stan Lee; Drama feared competition from Bob Saget; Turtle thought Vince could boost his new business. Entourage Season 7 Episode 8: Sniff Sniff Gang Bang will centers on Eric who was informed by Phil Yagoda (William Fichtner) that the network is interested in Drama’s show, though the star is not enthused about its content. Vince tries to convince Sasha to turn down a high-paying offer to do another porn movie and when demand for Turtle’s tequila line outpaces production, he sets out to find new sources of funding. This is the moment that we are waiting for as Entourage season 7 episode 8 will invade our night shows. The Entourage Season 7 Episode 8: Sniff Sniff Gang Bang was directed by David Nutter who also directed the previous episode and written by Doug Ellin & Ally Musika, It was aired at 10:30 PM (PT/ET) timeslot.
Episode Synopsis: Entourage Season 7 Episode 8: Sniff Sniff Gang Bang - Eric is informed by Phil Yagoda (William Fichtner) that the network is interested in Drama’s show, though the star is not enthused about its content. In the wake of recent bad press, Ari attempts to fashion a kinder, gentler persona at work and home. When demand for Turtle’s tequila line outpaces production, he sets out to find new sources of funding. Vince tries to convince Sasha to turn down a high-paying offer to do another porn movie. Check out the preview for Sniff Sniff Gang Bang. It seems Sasha is going to continue to be the bad influence on Vince, who now will have to do a drug test for the movie studio. Meanwhile, after the NFL debacle, Ari tries his hand at being a nicer, gentler boss. For now I just want to Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 Online for free.
Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 6 Hair on HBO
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Entourage Season 7 Episode 6 “Hair is scheduled to air on Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 10:30 PM in HBO.
Last episode Bottoms Up could connect to 2.85 million US viewers only. Hair is written and directed by Doug Ellin.
The new episode follows the last week “Bottoms Up” where Vince was really obsessed to Sasha Grey, a port star. He brings the girl on his meeting with Stan Lee.
In this episode, you will watch that facing a possible lawsuit, Ari readies himself to do encounter with Lizzie and her new boss old foe Amanda Daniels. Vince puts his next big-budget movie in risk with his clowning around, including a risqué online video. Turtle’s romancing of Alex does not go as well as he’d predicted.
Billy Walsh returns to ask Eric about directing jobs and comes up with new show idea for Drama who’s been self-pitying.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
True Blood’ Season 3, Episode 10 ‘I Smell A Rat’: Guess Who’s A Fairy?
After last week’s frenetic episode, this week’s installment of “True Blood” — titled “I Smell A Rat” — calmed down the pace, as we make our final push towards the season finale.
First off, the writers don’t tease us by dragging out last week’s big question: What is Sookie? As many have speculated (and as spelled out in Charlaine Harris’ books), Ms. Stackhouse is part fairy — a development even she finds “f—king lame.” Bill explains that Claudine is afraid for her because every supernatural believes the fae race was wiped out of existence by vampires. Then, to borrow a phrase from Pam, he talks about blah blah, I love you for your mind and and not your blood, blah blah. For all his lovespeak, however, Sookie is vaguely aware that Bill is still not to be trusted — a sentiment that is echoed by dream-Eric and later again by real-life Eric.
Real-life Eric, meanwhile, is worried about dying the “true death” at the hands of an enraged Russell and draws up a will in which Pam is the main beneficiary. He also kisses Sookie after she comes to inquire about why she shouldn’t trust Bill, which was oddly unromantic, given the circumstances. Eric also refuses to turn Sookie over Russell, but after some goading from Pam, decides to use her as a tool to help save his own life. His first action? To lock her up in the basement dungeon.
Back in Bon Temps, Tara spits at the puddle of goo that was Franklin the vampire, after asking Jason to help her dig and bury the crazy vamp’s remains (which Jason, bless his heart, starts to do with his bare hands). Tara later thanks Jason by kissing him — only to have him tell her that he’s actually the one that actually shot Eggs. It’s not exactly the most opportune time for Jason to share this news, given that Tara is the on verge of a serious psychological breakdown, but he’s essentially been guilted into doing so by his sister. (Note to writers: Please give Tara a break. The poor girl has been through enough, and then some.)
Sam continues to chafe again being called a weakling all the time, and through drunken flashbacks, we learn he’s not new to sudden bursts of anger: back when he was a grifter, he was once double-crossed by his lover/partner and her secret lover/partner. In his dog state, he tracked down the duplicitous couple, made threats, and by the end of the incident, had shot dead two people.
Lafayette saves Crystal’s dad, who had been slugged by Sam last episode, by giving him two drops of V, which leads to two separate things: Crystal’s oh-so-thankful dad slaps his daughter for letting Lafayette and Jesus give him V, which inspires her to renounce her “whole new dimension of trash” family and show her true were-panther state to Jason (um, could the production not spare some more realistic effects?). The other consequence of Lafayette’s act was to make Jesus curious about drinking vampire blood. Cue the inevitable sequence of hallucinatory dreams — was Jesus’ dad a witch doctor? — and descent into addiction for the mental patient nurse.
To wrap things up, Terry once again proves he’s far too good for Arlene for embracing the fact that she’s not pregnant with his baby, while she frets she’s giving birth to evil incarnate and seeks advice from wiccan waitress Holly about “natural” ways of inducing an abortion. And even though Jessica thinks she’s not good enough for Hoyt, he ends up confessing his love for her. When she can’t speak, he tears off and punches a mouthy Tommy. Tommy in turn shifts into a pitbull and attacks Hoyt, before Jessica saves the day by flinging Tommy into the woods as if he were a rag doll and offering her blood for Hoyt to drink. Russell continues on his crazy train and stakes a male prostitute he pretends is Talbot.
In all, a fairly expository episode clearly setting up a big showdown for the finale.
Readers, what did you think? Were you surprised by the revelation that Sookie’s a fairy? How does Eric plan to use her? What is the significant of Jesus and Lafayette’s V-induced hallucination?
True Blood Sneak Peek: Russell Picks Up a Hooker
Last week’s episode of “True Blood” had one of the most disturbing yet hilarious endings we’ve seen from the show thus far. It featured Russell Edgington going cuckoo for coca puffs over the death of his beloved Talbot. In the next episode entitled, “I Smell a Rat,” he’ll encounter a street walker who looks likes a dirty knock off of “90210’s” Michael Steger. What a minute, he’s no knock-off, he IS Michael Steger! Watch him get pimped out by Denis O’Hare’s Russell below…
Even though Russell is bat sh*t crazy you can’t help but feel a little sorry for him. He did find his boyfriend of 700 years remains’ in the middle of the floor. And by remains we mean his internal organs. It’s not surprising he’d look for comfort in another man, especially one who looks so much like Talbot. Steger does share a close resemblance to Theo Alexander who played the slaughtered vamp.
Steger recently spoke to Zap2it about how it was working on “True Blood” in such an intense scene with O’Hare.
“I had a great time working with Denis,” says Steger. “He’s such a generous actor. His character is mourning Talbot and he just can’t get over his death. And my character kind of resembles him and there’s a connection there.”
Recap: 'True Blood' - 'I Smell a Rat'
When we last left Bon Temps, the biggest li’l supernatural spot in the South, Eric had gotten a wink and a nod from the Vampire Authority to go assassinate Russell; Russell had seized control of the vertical and the horizontal; and everyone but Sookie had figured out what Sookie was.
[And what *is* Sookie? Full "True Blood" recap after the break...]
Now, as we open on this latest episode, Sookie finally learns, too. She’s of the faerie people -- er, partly. Turns out that Claudine, the mysterious hostess from Sookie’s Stevie Nicks video vision, is more than just a pretty lady in a great dress. She is a member of the Fey people and one of Sookie’s relatives.
Sookie thinks this revelation is lame. She is not alone, especially when you consider there’s a whole crowd of people over in Hot Shot who can escape handcuffs and who eat raw deer with their bare hands.
However, Sookie has a bigger problem: her faerie blood is particularly tasty to creatures of the night. Vampire Bill assures Sookie that he loves her for her, though, not her delicious raspberry-flavored hemoglobins.
Back at Merlotte’s, Jason has just turned the terrible vampire rapist Franklin into goo, but it doesn’t make the aspiring cop happy. Instead he suffers a guilty flashback to that poor vampire he imprisoned and killed a while back. Tara barks a few orders at Jason, and the two of them get away OK.
Speaking of getaways, Lafayette & Co. are still trying to save Crystal’s Daddy, who was nearly beaten into a bloody pulp by Shape-Shiftin’ Sam. They finally make some progress, but only after Lafayette produces some V. The Dad is disgusted by his cure, and he chews out his daughter for betraying his kid. Of course, we still do not know what sort of shifty creatures the people of Hot Shot are, but jackalopes are looking less and less likely.
Sam, meanwhile, is having a flashback. Apparently, at one point in his past, Sam wore rakish pomade and stole baubles like a lost member of a 1960s Vegas smash and grab ring. Sam wasn’t a very good grifter, however; he was easily doubled crossed by pretty ladies, and their clandestine boyfriends with guns.
Hot Eric is wearing way too many clothes. Eric, honey, it’s Fangtasia. Everybody knows what everybody else looks like nekkid. Anyway, Eric is at Fangtasia, writing up a last will and testament leaving all of his worldly Viking goods to his progeny, Pam. Pam stands to inherit a lovely farm in the fjords, among other treasures, that is, if Eric fails in his mission to kill Russell.
Eric has other business on his agenda, too, such as engaging in cryptic dialogue with other vampires. He pays a visit to Vampire Bill, and they have an argument over the fact that Bill isn’t telling Sookie The Truth, and that he should, in fact, tell Sookie The Truth.
The waitresses of Merlotte’s are not gittin’ on well. Arlene thinks Jessica is evil; Jessica thinks Arlene is a hater with hair like an eagle’s nest. Tommy loves the fact that they fight; it turns him on, and after watching the two argue, he puts the moves on Jessica.
The rest of Bon Temps isn’t doing any better in the relationships department; Jessica’s ex, Hoyt, is fending off desperate sexual advances from Summer. Sookie is catching hell from Tara for sticking with Vampire Bill. And Jesus seems a little too eager to tap into Lafayette’s V stash.
Sam arrives back at work eventually, spooking the regulars at Merlotte’s, who wonder who’s going to get beaten up next. The new waitress is a Wiccan -- which is not a form of supernatural creature -- and she tries to give Sam some calming marijuana, but he declines.
Arlene, meanwhile, is still convinced she is pregnant with a horrific entity, or, at least, an evil mini-Rene. She finally tells Terry about the paternity of her child, and Terry promises to love them both no matter what, but Arlene still has her doubts. She remembers that the new waitress has offered some alternative solutions for ending her pregnancy, and she approaches her asking for new info.
Another confession, finally: Jason Stackhouse tells Sookie that he was the one who shot Eggs, not Andy Bellefleur. Sookie, practitioner of TV logic like she is, insists that Jason tell Tara the truth, because, somehow, that will help Tara heal. Jason dutifully tells Tara everything, and she runs off.
Jesus and Lafayette are tripping out on V, and it makes Lafayette’s place look even more like the VIP room of House of Blues than ever. A vision of Jesus’s abuela is waiting for them in the back of the VIP room; it is implied that she is a witch, or, at least, a very good short order cook. She uses eggs in her rituals to help locals with fertility problems.
Jesus and Lafayette also meet an ancestor of Lafayette’s named Winnie, who also, apparently, dabbled in the magic arts using favorite kitchen accoutrements. And oh, no, look! It’s Jesus’s evil grandfather who practices the black arts and who has evil, evil plans for Jesus! Leave the House of Blues forthwith, Jesus! Flee!
Vampire Bill has left Sookie’s for the evening, chased off by Tara and Jason, and leaving her to fantasize about Hot Eric. Finally, she tracks down Eric and they make out for real. But like Vampire Bill, Hot Eric is keeping secrets, and will not tell Sookie The Truth.
Dag-gum! Vamps are now being targeted by the Ku Klux Klan, or, at least, people who enjoy the Klan aesthetic. Someone has left a burning cross on Vampire Bill’s lawn, and Bill has to restrain Jessica from retaliating.
Flashback time again. Sorry, Shape-Shiftin’ Sam, looks like we were wrong about you. You are not a pushover, but rather a man who turns into a cute beagle, follows his treacherous girlfriend to her camp hideout, demands his money back and, when things go awry, shoots both the ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend dead.
Russell is on the hunt for a new Talbot, it seems. He runs across a hot piece of man, who agrees to leave with him for a $1,000. They make love. But Russell is also thoroughly insane, and instead of turning the prostie into a new vamp, he fantasizes that he is with Talbot, and stakes the stranger through the heart.
Congratulations, Hoyt, for being the smartest young man in Bon Temps! He bursts into Merlotte’s, declaring that he loves Jessica, but she says nothing in return, and he leaves. That makes Jessica perhaps the dumbest young lady in Bon Temps. The dumbest young man is Tommy, who turns into his pit bull form and jealously attacks Hoyt outside the restaurant. Jessica rescues Hoyt, promises her love in return and orders him to drink her blood.
It’s tasty, but, you know, she’s no font of sweet raspberry candy faerie blood.
Vampire Bill is angry that Jason let Sookie leave the house to go see the
... uh ...
... we suddenly forget.
Crystal is in Jason’s living room, and she’s a panther.
A panther.
Crystal is Nastassja Kinski. The people of Hot Shot are Cat People.
Anyway, we were saying something. Oh, here we go. Pam encourages Eric to take advantage of his close proximity to Sookie to further his Russell-related plans. He balks at first, but eventually, he snatches her and chains her up in a basement.
Sookie, of course, reacts the way she always does: she screams.
True Blood S03e10 Torrent
True Blood S03e10 TorrentTrue Blood S03e10 Torrent, Latest News Update About True Blood S03e10 Torrent: This is the link where the True Blood s03e10 torrent could be found with about 1 or two seeders at a time. The seeders might be few but this is definitely the place where the torrent would result in a sure shot complete 10th episode of the third season of the vampire series.
The site may be a little unknown but the thing is that no famous torrent site has a single torrent of the latest episode of True Blood and that is because people haven’t had the time to compile the recorded version and then upload a torrent this early. Prate Bay and Torrent Reactor doesn’t seem to have a working copy of the episode and that is a real downer for the fans of the show.
For those who don’t know the plot of the overall show; it’s about a bar maid Sookie Stackhouse whose life changes drastically when a handsome vampire named Bill walks in her bar. This happens two years after vampires rise from their coffins on national TV. The events that unfold afterwards contain a lot of drama and controversies between the vampire clans because vampires are not just blood sucking animals; they have a mentality that is a mixture of the animal instincts of humans and the political side of wild creatures.
All in all the series is great entertainment and airs on HBO. The latest episode of the show which is the True Blood s03e10 is also called “I Smell A Rat”.
Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10 Premier with Anna Paquin
Many fans want to watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10 'I Smell a Rat' online and it is possible...if you have the cash and want to watch it that badly. Our suggestion is to either get HBO or wait for the season to release on Netflix.
In tonight's episode, Sookie is warned about the dangers she will have to deal with. Dark memories surface for Sam. Arlene must ask Holly for help while Jason faces unexpected dealings with Tara and Crystal. Jesus’ interest in V’s qualities is aroused. Russell vows to inflict punishment on his enemies. After precautions, Eric satisfies a wish.
For more details about True Blood Season 3, visit
Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10, Watch True Blood Online For Free
Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10, Watch True Blood Online For FreeWatch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10, Latest News Update About Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10: True Blood Season 3 is simply an amazing and most watched TV series every Sunday. For its Season 3 run from episode 1 to 9, True Blood gained more viewers and every Sunday night, there are lot of people wait for the newest episode. HBO brings the best of True Blood each week with encore episodes on weekdays. And it’s Sunday again! The much awaited time is here for the True Blood fans. But before that, let’s take a glimpse for the True Blood Season 3 Episode 10. Tonight’s episode entitled “I Smell Rat” will be the tenth for the season 3. Check out for the TV peisodes preview before it airs. Well, here is the episode preview:
Sookie gets a dire warning from Bill about the dangers she will soon to encounter. Sam’s emotional outburst takes him to recall dark memories. Arlene asks Holly for help with a dilemma and Jessica is on a puzzle with Tommy and Hoyt. Jason deals with an unexpected screnarion.
Don’t miss to watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10: I Smell Rat stream tonight on HBO at 9:00 PM ET. It’s a good thing to remember all the things that happened last week. You can catch True Blood episodes online with its summary or watch it online on your Internet TV.
True Blood Season 3 Episode 10: “I Smell a Rat” Tonight on HBO
True Blood Season 3 is simply an amazing and most watched TV series every Sunday. For its Season 3 run from episode 1 to 9, True Blood gained more viewers and every Sunday night, there are lot of people wait for the newest episode. HBO brings the best of True Blood each week with encore episodes on weekdays. And it’s Sunday again! The much awaited time is here for the True Blood fans. But before that, let’s take a glimpse for the True Blood Season 3 Episode 10.
Tonight’s episode entitled “I Smell Rat” will be the tenth for the season 3. Check out for the TV peisodes preview before it airs. Well, here is the episode preview:
Sookie gets a dire warning from Bill about the dangers she will soon to encounter. Sam’s emotional outburst takes him to recall dark memories. Arlene asks Holly for help with a dilemma and Jessica is on a puzzle with Tommy and Hoyt. Jason deals with an unexpected screnarion.
Don’t miss to watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10: I Smell Rat stream tonight on HBO at 9:00 PM ET. It’s a good thing to remember all the things that happened last week. You can catch True Blood episodes online with its summary or watch it online on your Internet TV.
True Blood Season 3 Episode 10 | Watch True Blood S03E10 on HBO
True Blood Season 3 Episode 10 – The latest episode of the TV series True Blood airs this August 22, 2010. The episode title of True Blood Season 3 Episode 10 is I Smell A Rat. This episode will start to air on HBO at 9:00 PM ET. Read more information below about the episode as well as how to Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10 live from your PC.
True Blood Season 3 Episode 10: I Smell A Rat
Sookie is warned about the dangers she will have to deal with. Dark memories surface for Sam. Arlene must ask Holly for help while Jason faces unexpected dealings with Tara and Crystal. Jesus’ interest in V’s qualities is aroused. Arlene seeks out Holly for help. Russell vows to inflict punishment on his enemies. After precautions, Eric satisfies a wish.
To those who wish to Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 10, just turn your televisions on and tune in to HBO channel. To those who wish to watch this episode online, visit, USTREAM and Sopcast channels and check if this episode is available. To watch this episode directly on your PC, simply click on this link and register for an account and start to watch the episode as well as the other US TV episodes.
True Blood I Smell a Rat – Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer Got Married
True Blood I Smell a Rat Season 3 Episode 10 Live streaming on HBO – Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer Got Married, True Blood co-stars Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer appeared nude on the cover of Rolling Stone: True Blood co-stars Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer appeared nude on the cover of Rolling Stone and now got married at a private home in Malibu. The guests included Elijah Wood, Michael Emerson and the couple’s True Blood co-star Carrie Preston too.
The True Blood Season 3 Episode 10 is titled as I Smell a Rat. It is directed by Michael Lehmann and written by Kate Barnow & Elisabeth R. Finch. This will be air on August 22, 2010. You can watch live streaming on HBO only.
The September issue of Rolling Stone covered a young woman naked between two naked men. These three individuals are three of the central characters of the HBO hit series, “True Blood”. The two men on the cover of Rolling Stone are n vampires from the “True Blood” series Bill and Eric and woman is Sookie Stackhouse played by Anna Paquin.
Posted in Entertainment, Spotlight, World Tags: Anna Paquin, Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer Got Married, Sookie Stackhouse, True Blood I Smell a Rat, True blood nude on cover of Rolling Stone, True Blood Season 2 Episode 10 live streaming, True Blood stars nude on Rolling Stone Cover
Friday, August 20, 2010
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Here are the Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4 Breaking Up free stream Overview:
The ladies feel guilty about keeping Sammi in the dark about Ronnie’s bad behavior, so they decide to write an “anonymous” letter to her, revealing the entire truth.
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The Jersey Shore team goes to Miami! While the situation, Pauly D, and the trip Snooki JWOWW the east coast road, the rest of the gang hop on planes that fly south for the winter. There, they are shocked by the surprise arrival of ex-roommate of Angelina and the drama picks up right where you left in Seaside. Ron and Sam are newly single – do you? He says he still feels something for him and wants to rekindle their relationship. But when tensions boil, stays at home – alone and brokenhearted – while he goes crazy in the club. .
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Watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4. Within Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4, a good number of of us reached to come across Sammi given spot on how Ronnie may inside the tavern yesterday, but not any individual claims. When the activity Angelina inhibit Pauly, we see an a larger number of side of the actual submitting traditionally peaceful Pauly D. heads in form to Miami inside phase a pair of garage door opener hardware cardboard boxes, and too the episode fast and hard heated up subsequent to the market crash Angelina gathering. At the same time, Ronnie as positively as Sammi are in a hard quality of life right away in the wake of his or her just obtainable break.
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Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 2: Top 5 most outrageous moments
The Jersey Shore Season 2 premiere was everything MTV and the Jersey Shore cast promised -- outrageously ridiculous, mindless entertainment ... to say the least. But then again, what would Jersey Shore be without drama and jaw-dropping moments?
While you were attempting to adjust your television set to reduce the orange glow, perhaps you missed one of the most outrageous moments of the hour-long Jersey Shore Season 2 episode 2. So let me count them down for you, then weigh in on what your favorite moment was of "The Hangover."
Outrageous Moment #5: Snooki kills Angelina -- All you can say about this one is thank God the duck phone hasn't made its way to Miami. Frustrated over the nonstop phone calls for Angelina, Snooki finally realizes the only way to stop all the calls is to kill off Angelina. "No! Angelina died," Snooki told Angelina's umpteenth caller before slamming down the phone. A minute later the phone rings again and Angelina answers it. "Angelina died?!" the callers asks in shock. "I didn't die!"
Outrageous Moment #4: Catfight 2.0 & JWoWW's Warning -- JWoWW instigates Snooki by telling her Angelina's been talking about her boyfriend, Emilio, behind her back. That gets Snooki so fired up she confronts Angelina -- who does what she does best and denies everything. Meantime, Ronnie sees the silver lining in catfight 2.0. "This is awesome," he says, "for once it's not my drama." JWoWW then takes things to a whole other level with a string of threats that reminds The Situation of when he was on the receiving end of JWoWW's wrath. "I'm gonna swing. Sleep with one eye open," she warns Angelina. "I'm gonna make you sweat it out ... Sweat it, bi---."
Outrageous Moment #3: Chicken Dinner? -- If only Snooki hadn't bought that $395 $393 pair of crystal-covered sunglasses she might have seen the raw chicken comin' at her. But instead, when she opens the fridge door to get her pickles, the raw chicken dinner The Situation is marinating splatters all over the refrigerator and the floor. As if the scene isn't hilarious enough, Vinny's actually contemplating rinsing it off and eating it. "What do we do with it? Wash it?" he asks The Situation, who's in the hot tub. "What do we do? Pick that sh-- up, dog," Mike says with one of his priceless expressions that you've just got to see to truly and fully appreciate.
Outrageous Moment #2: IFF and 'Deny, Deny, Deny' -- Ronnie not only comes home bragging about his night of 3-way kissing, but then plans to go cuddle with Sammi. The next morning he wakes up competely hungover and not remembering a thing from the night before. He and the boys come up with a plan for when Angelina tells Sammi what happened at the club. Ronnie's got three words to solve his "IFF" (I'm Fu--- Foundation) situation -- "deny, deny, deny." Ronnie sells his story well enough that Sammi ultimately apologizes to him and goes with the him to get the most ironic tattoo of all time -- a pair of hands praying while holding a rosary. Yeah, Ronnie, you're a real saint.
Outrageous Moment #1: Angelina Slaps Pauly D -- As if Angelina coudn't get any more obnoxious -- give that girl a few drinks and you've got what Jersey Shore producers can only dream of. After grinding with a girl and shaming Pauly D for hooking up with an engaged chick, she tells Pauly D and Mike "The Situation" approximately 40 times she loves them.
"What?" Pauly D responds.
"I want to marry you," Angelina goes on referring to their solitary hookup, "I think about you every day."
Trying to take the high road, Pauly D attempts to ignore a clearly wasted, and by this point, crying Angelina. But that pisses her off even more. "You don't even care," she yells as she slaps him across the face. When Angelina follows Pauly D and "The Situation" outside, the fight erupts as Angelina gets close to Pauly.
"Are you touching me? Stop touching me," he yells shoving her away. "You're on your fu--ing own. You don't have me or Situation," Pauly D yells. "Now you have zero friends."
Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 3 Recap
Tonight’s episode was a bit disappointing as it dealt with the same drama as the previous episode. Ronni and Sammi’s relationship was the center of this entire episode. It dealt quite a bit with Angelina’s situation in the Shore house but about 90% of the time it was about Sammi and Ronnie’s on and off relationship and to be honest, it is getting a bit old.
The episode picked up from the confrontation of Angelina, The Situation, and Pauly D. This time everyone in the house was ganging up on Angelina and she was being emotional about it. Mike ‘The Situation’ approached the other housemates and convinced them to give Angelina a second chance because they can’t live like that forever. Mike then invited Angelina to go out and party with them. While they were partying, Snookie talked to Angelina and gave her advice on how she can repair her image and be on good terms with the other housemates again. Angelina admitted that she was talking sh** about every body and they all lived happily ever after period.
Meanwhile, drunken Ronnie embarassed Sammi with the rest of the housemates and called her the B word. Sammi stormed out of the club but after the night was over Ronnie went back to the house and asked Sammi to smoosh with him. JWoww, Snooki and the rest of the housemates is slowly getting disgusted about what Ronnie was doing and thought about telling Sammi about Ronnie’s womanizing ways. JWoww calls Ronnie a pig and devised a plan to tell Sammi. On episode 4 preview, the girls used an anonymous email address and mailed Sammi telling her that Ronnie was in fact cheating.
The funniest thing that happened to this episode was Vinny hooking up with Snooki and then waking up to answer Emilio’s (Snooki’s boyfriend) phone call. Sammi and Ronnie’s relationship has been dragging this show to a ratings slump, hopefully we get to see crazier things happen next week.
Jersey Shore episode 3 season 2 by Nikky Raney
Jersey Shore's third episode of the second season aired Thursday, August 12 at 10 p.m. The episode focused mainly on the relationship between Ronnie and Sammi; there was also some reconciliation between the housemates and Angelina.
Ronnie announced to Sammi that she was his girlfriend while they were at work at the gelato shop. Later on we see Ronnie choosing to go out clubbing with the guys instead of staying home with Sammi. While he is out he dances with a few girls and ends up making out. Snooki and JWoww debate what to do about the fact that they both know and haven't told Sammi. They know it makes them look like bad friends, and they try to think of a plan.
At a club Snooki talks to Angelina and tells her if she confesses to all the bad things she has said about the other housemates that she will be forgiven and given a second chance. She admits to the all the bad things she said, and she is given a second chance.
MVP night stands for Mike, Vinnie, and Pauly. Angelina tried to get in on the action, but when Angelina had her back turned the boys sprinted out of the house.
The guys end up bringing home grenades and one of the girl's fake plastic breast falls out into the hot tub. At that point the guys decided that the girls needed to leave.
Snooki is on the phone with her boyfriend as she lays in the bean bad with Vinnie. She ends up getting in bed with Vinnie and they are both drunk. Snooki says, "Wanna F***?" Vinnie says, "Sure." There is never any proof that anything sexual happened between the two of them, but they woke up in the morning and Vinnie answered the phone when Snooki's boyfriend called.
There aren't many customers at the gelato shop so The Situation stands outside of the store shirtless trying to attract customers. It fails.
Next episode previews shows the truth coming out to Sammi about Ronnie. This season is better than the last one. Come back next week for the blog on episode 4.
jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4: Breaking Up TV Episode Preview
What’s on the creepin’ last week? The entire episode was kind of a Ronni-Sammi’s relationship story on which the episode spoken much of them. On the other hand, Angelina took off her pride a little low and apologized to the girls. Back at the house, The Situation, Vinny and Pauly D have a close encounter with grenades in the hot tub. And to continue the scenes of the guys and girls, don’t miss to watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4: Breaking Up tonight on MTV.
For tonight’s episode of Jersey Shore Season 2, the girls will start to make a move regarding Sammi-Ronnie’s relationship. The girls feel bad about keeping Ronnie’s bad behavior a secret from Sammi, so they write an anonymous letter, explaining the whole thing.
Watch the latest episode of Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4 entitled “Breaking Up” tonight on MTV at 10:00 PM ET. It is a good thing to watch the previous episode before the fresh one and have a recap. And there’s another thing! The Jersey Shore “Watch Party” co-sponsored by The Jersey Journal at Zeppelin Hall Restaurant and Biergarten in Jersey City will begin at 8 P.M. for the fans and members of the staff. There will be foods and drink specials in the event, and at 10:00 PM ET, the Zeppelin Hall’s big screen will going to have the Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4 streaming.
jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4: Breaking Up TV Episode Preview
What’s on the creepin’ last week? The entire episode was kind of a Ronni-Sammi’s relationship story on which the episode spoken much of them. On the other hand, Angelina took off her pride a little low and apologized to the girls. Back at the house, The Situation, Vinny and Pauly D have a close encounter with grenades in the hot tub. And to continue the scenes of the guys and girls, don’t miss to watch Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4: Breaking Up tonight on MTV.
For tonight’s episode of Jersey Shore Season 2, the girls will start to make a move regarding Sammi-Ronnie’s relationship. The girls feel bad about keeping Ronnie’s bad behavior a secret from Sammi, so they write an anonymous letter, explaining the whole thing.
Watch the latest episode of Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4 entitled “Breaking Up” tonight on MTV at 10:00 PM ET. It is a good thing to watch the previous episode before the fresh one and have a recap. And there’s another thing! The Jersey Shore “Watch Party” co-sponsored by The Jersey Journal at Zeppelin Hall Restaurant and Biergarten in Jersey City will begin at 8 P.M. for the fans and members of the staff. There will be foods and drink specials in the event, and at 10:00 PM ET, the Zeppelin Hall’s big screen will going to have the Jersey Shore Season 2 Episode 4 streaming.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Watch Make It or Break It Season 2 Episode 8 Online Stream Free in HD - Rock Bottom
Watch Make It or Break It Season 2 Episode 8 Online Stream Free in HD - Rock Bottom
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Watch Make It or Break It Season 2 Episode 8 – “Rock Bottom”
A new episode of Make It Or Break It awaits us today on ABC Family. If you’re looking to watch Make It Or Break It season 2 episode 8 online preview or hoping to get a sneak peak of the new episode named ‘Rock Bottom’ – then read on for an inside look at today’s upcoming episode in our TV show preview segment.
Make It Or Break It Season 2 Episode 8 Preview
Today, one of the leading ‘Sports Reality Drama’ genre TV shows will be on air – for episode 8 of the new season. As usual, you will need to tune in at 21:00 ET on ABC Family to watch Make It Or Break It live on TV. What can you expect this week from Make It Or Break It? Here’s what’s set to go down in ‘Rock Bottom’:
An ultimatum backfires on Chloe, and Emily struggles to help out her brother, Wyatt.
Official site Info to watch Make It Or Break It online video content
We have provided three main options for you to enjoy or watch Make It Or Break It online through official and legal means. The first is through popular online website Amazon. If you’re new to the series, you can click here to check out the first series of Make It or Break It. The second option to stream Make It Or Break It video online is through the official website which we’ve provided a link to here :
As a last resort, another website with official Make It Or Break It video can be found here:;videos . That hopefully will help people interested in this show.
We’re hoping that Susan Ward, Peri Gilpin, Candace Cameron can provide us another 60Min of solid entertainment today. Don’t forget to tune in to ABC Family at 21:00 ET to watch Make It Or Break It season 2 episode 8. Be sure to let us know your thoughts on the show after it airs!
Make It or Break It Season 2 Episode 8: Rock Bottom (s02e07)
Make It or Break It season 2 episode 8: Rock Bottom. Make It or Break It s02e08 with title Rock Bottom airs on Tuesday,
Make It or Break It season 2 episode 8: Rock Bottom Synopsis:
The truth comes out about Emily’s new scholarship, increasing tension between her and Lauren’s families. Meanwhile, another secret is revealed when more people find out about Carter and Lauren’s relationship; and Austin is not pleased with Kaylie.
Make It or Break It Season 2 Episode 8: Rock Bottom (s02e07)
Make It or Break It is an ABC Family drama series that focuses on the lives of teen Olympic gymnastic hopefuls in training for the big event. The show, set in the world of competitive gymnastics, follows a group of gymnasts training at the top-notch Rocky Mountain Gymnastic Training Center, known as The Rock.
Make it or Break it Season 2 Episode 8 (Video)
Lauren was shown to be talking with Steve about funding for Emily’s gymnastics.Later on Summer decides to give some support to Lauren and she tells her all about sex and also adds that Chloe knows it all since a long time. Steve makes his mind that the sin of Chloe cannot be forgiven and she should have told him about everything in the first place. Later on Emily is focused once again
and she is shown to be giving the fake endowment money to Steve. Later on Emily faces more trouble as she returns home and finds that her brother is having some medical problems. So she rushes to the medical store in order to get some medicine and the officer at the desk tells her that the medicine required by her brother is not covered in the insurance. Emily is confused as she does not have any money and so she just steals the medicine and rushes home. Later on she ends up getting busted by the cops and they arrest her for stealing the medicine.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010
True Blood Season 3 Episode 9: Everything Is Broken TV Episode Preview
HBO always brings great Sunday treats. With its True Blood, Hung and Entourage, Sunday night becomes a much awaited day. Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9: Everything is Broken tonight on HBO and catch the latest updates and previews online after the show. You can also watch True Blood Season 3 online on your Internet TV.
On last week’s episode of True Blood Season 3, Sookie is back to life with the help of Bill and they were reunited. And tonight, there are lots of things that will happen. There will be revelations for the truth with new and old people to be involve. Here is the True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 preview entitled “Everything is Broken.”
“With the ratification of the Vampire Rights Amendment at hand, Nan Flanagan detours to Fangtasia to confront Eric about the Magister’s disappearance. A grief-stricken Russell vows revenge against his foes, vampire and human. Awaking from a slumber, Bill uncovers the truth about Sookie’s true identity. Jason gets unexpected help as he goes up against Felton and Calvin. Sam is distressed by Tommy’s attitude; Tara encounters a new ally and an old tormentor; Hadley introduces Sookie to a new family member; Arlene despairs about her future; Hoyt confronts his true feelings.
Watch True Blood season 3 episode 9: ‘Everything is Broken’ (free online video)
The ninth episode of True Blood Season 3: Everything is Broken airs on HBO on Sunday.
The third season’s plot is loosely based on the third novel of The Southern Vampire Mysteries, Club Dead.
Episode 9 synopsis:
With the ratification of the Vampire Rights Amendment at hand, Nan Flanagan detours to Fangtasia to confront Eric about the Magister’s disappearance.
A grief-stricken Russell vows revenge against his foes, vampire and human.
Awaking from a slumber, Bill uncovers the truth about Sookie’s true identity.
Jason gets unexpected help as he goes up against Felton (James Harvey Ward) and Calvin.
Sam is distressed by Tommy’s attitude; Tara encounters a new ally and an old tormentor; Hadley introduces Sookie to a new family member; Arlene despairs about her future; Hoyt confronts his true feelings.
If you missed it, you can watch True Blood season 3, episode 9 here.
You can view complete episode information of True Blood season 1, season 2 and season 3 here.
Watch True Blood season 3, episode 9: Everything is Broken free online video trailer:
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Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 Streaming Online Free. True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 free online - A new episode has just aired. Let’s now look at the next episode of True Blood. True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 is titled Everything Is Broken. It will be aired on this site. Full episode synopsis below will tell you a little bit about the latest episode. For those who want to know True Blood Synopsis and want to watch True Blood online there are lot of site that offers free online streaming of True Blood Season 3 Episode 9.
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We’ll find out why that is the title of the True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 when we watch it. Okay, so that’s it, lets now move on to the air date of the episode. Thanks for your time to visits the site and watch True Blood full episode online free! Don’t miss to watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 Everything Is Broken.
Next week the site will be looking forward to see you there to watch another episode. Stay tune on the site to watch the latest episode of this series. If you try to watch this episode online for free. Just fill a dumb 30s survey, confirm mobile and start video streaming. Its worthed! Here I found the link to watch True Blood online.
Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9
A new episode has just aired of this really hot series and you can WATCH IT HERE. Let's now look at the next episode of True Blood. True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 is entitled Everything Is Broken. It will be aired on this site. Full episode synopsis below will tell you a little bit about the latest episode. For those who want to know True Blood Synopsis and want to watch True Blood online there are lot of site that offers free online streaming of True Blood Season 3 Episode 9.
Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 Online and discover a new world of vampires. Alan Ball, creator of Six Feet Under, returns to HBO with a new series based on the novel series Southern Vampire by Charlaine Harris. If you're a "Twilight" or "Vampire" junkie, then you need to watch this tv series!
The series follows Sookie Stackhouse (played by Anna Paquin), a telepathic barmaid who finds comfort in the company of vampires since they have no brainwave activity for her to read.
She and her brother Jason were raised by her grandmother after losing their parents in a flood and she tries to keep her telepathic ability a secret. Thanks largely in part to the creation of a Japanese-made synthetic blood called Tru Blood (where the series takes it name), vampires have made their existence known to the world.
Sookie works at the bar "Merlotte's" which is owned and operated by her boss Sam Merlotte... who has a secret of his own. The central focus of the story surrounds Sookie who falls in love with a vampire Bill Compton (played by Stephen Moyer).
Are you looking for websites to Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 Online Free? Do not go elsewhere because we have it here. Let us first savor the last episode that transpired. During episode 8, we have seen that Bill and Sookie ended their relationship in the hospital. At the Russell's mansion Sophie-Anne moved into it while Jessica was released by Bill as his maker yet she did not want to leave him. Debbie's sister salon was burned down and Alcide was forced to return to Mississippi. On the other scene the mother of Lafayette escaped from the psychiatric institution and pays his son a visit.
Meanwhile, the mother of Lafayette was being looked by Jesús and as a result reignited his relationship with Lafayette. Holly was the new waitress at Merlotte's because she was hired by Arlene. And at Merlotte's Tommy made some trouble. Jason's relatives were hurt by Crystal as she went to their houses to seek revenge. Sookie was warned by Hadley who was told by Eric that the werewolves were coming to hurt her and she should not trust Bill. Crystal's father was also told by Jason to stay away from her. Sookie was attacked by Debbie and two werewolves to go to her house to kill her. Luckily Jessica and Bill arrived on time to save her. Talbot stalked Eric and was able to save Bill and Sookie. After being saved Bill and Sookie reunited and they made up making love. We will all enjoy when we Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 Online Free.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
So You Think You Can Dance Winner | Winner Of SYTYCD Season 7 | So you think you can dance season 7 winner
On Thursday, we find out the winner of So You Think You Can Dance, Season 7 (Fox, 8 p.m. ET). Overall, talent (not to mention passion and personality) has been in plentiful supply among its contestants. Unfortunately, so have injuries. The most widely-predicted winner, Alex Wong, had to bow out of the competition on July 8, after he tore his Achilles tendon.
But his misfortune, at least, is a boon for the last three standing: Lauren Froderman of Phoenix, Robert Roldan of Hollywood, and Kent Boyd of Wapokoneta, Ohio. Which one will go all the way? I predict that the top three will line up in this order:
# 1
The effervescent Boyd has never been in the bottom three, and he’s been a judges’ darling from the beginning. One complaint, made often by judge Mia Michaels, was that at times he comes off as a little too animated. But he’s the sort of energetic dancer that takes your breath away on a Broadway stage. If he wins, it won’t be surprising.
The first several weeks of the season saw the elimination of one female dancer after the other. It got to the point where you began to wonder if any dancer lacking a Y chromosome would make it to the end. But the coolly professional Froderman has not only survived, she’s thrived—taking on a different persona from one week to the next, and emanating a much different vibe each time. Boyd will probably edge her out, but watching Froderman win would be satisfying, too.
With his good looks and his dynamic athleticism, Roldan has charmed a lot of viewers. Not enough, though, to spare him from the bottom three on several results show nights. Maybe because of that, he’s the dancer who seems most surprised and thrilled to be in the final three. He’s the underdog here, but a Roldan upset would be sweet to see.
Lauren the Winner on 'So You Think You Can Dance'
In a season that saw all other female contestants voted off first, Phoenix teenager Lauren Froderman hung on to win it all on "So You Think You Can Dance" Thursday, becoming only the third female to win the TV dance competition.
To do so, she had to beat another 18-year-old contemporary dancer to get there, runner-up Kent Boyd of Wapakoneta, Ohio, who many had listed as a favorite.
Robert Roldan, 20, of Thousand Oaks, Calif., finished third in the two hour finale show.
Casting a shadow over all the results were the injuries that took out two of the most promising dancers of season seven, Alex Wong and Billy Bell.
Bell was well enough to recreate some of the dances he did earlier on the show. But Wong, still in crutches, was left to watch one of his standout performances on tape.
On the other hand, his dancing had been so strong that in spired Ellen DeGeneres, the talk show host and retired "American Idol" judge, to recreate a hip hop routine he had done with tWitch Boss.
That performance had been hyped all night as being from a dance superstar and surprise guest, but the Fox network had in fact announced the routine hours earlier.
Producer and judge Nigel Lythgoe mocked the misery of the season full of injuries (Ashley Galvan was also injured and had to leave the competition) by limping on stage at one point on crutches and wearing an oversized cast.
Winning the meaningless moniker "America's Favorite Dancer," Froderman also won $100,000 $250,000, a photo spread in Dance Spirit magazine and a bottle of Gatorade from the previous season winner, Russell Ferguson.
The finale brought a full panel of judges to the table, including one that had been missing most of the season, Mary Murphy, who uncorked one of her "hot tamale train" screams for the occasion.
TV highlights: 'So You Think You Can Dance' unveils a winner

The votes are in, and "So You Think You Can Dance" (Fox at 8) wraps up for the season on Thursday night and announces a winner, also known as America's Favorite Dancer.
Get ready for the type of drama that's usually reserved for Bravo's shows on "American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior" (TLC at 9). Father and son are not only fighting but also competing for business, as Paul Jr. decides to open his own bike shop after Paul Sr. fires him from Orange County Choppers.
(Julie Roberts, Drew Barrymore and more in Eye on Entertainment)
Speaking of drama on Bravo, Mary has all kinds of family issues when her oldest daughter moves back home on "Real Housewives of D.C." (Bravo at 9), and Stacie's soul-food dinner party leads to controversy.
Designer Betsey Johnson stops by "Project Runway" (Lifetime at 9) to guest-judge a challenge involving extremely unconventional fashion.
A seemingly straightforward case involving a nightclub beating gets complicated for Chris and Andy on "Rookie Blue" (ABC at 9), and Luke and Sam face off during a training exercise that gets more competitive than anyone expected.
Michael plots how to sneak into prison on "Burn Notice" (USA at 9) when Sam's friend, a prisoner, is threatened by another inmate.
Things get serious on Season 2 of "BBQ Pitmasters" (TLC at 10), as the series becomes a competition format. "Next Food Network Star" Kevin Roberts hosts as the contestants have a pork cook-off, judged by a panel including Art and Soul restaurant owner Art Smith, barbecue expert Myron Mixon, and football player Warren Sapp.
A man hurt in an electrical accident goes under the knife for a risky face-transplant surgery on "Boston Med" (ABC at 10) while another family copes with a death of a loved one whose organ donation will help someone else in need.
"Bethenny Getting Married?" (Bravo at 10) ended last week, but as always, Bravo finds a way to stretch out the series just a bit longer, with unaired scenes from the "Real Housewives of New York City" star's spinoff.
Hank treats lottery winners with the same illness on "Royal Pains" (USA at 10), and discovers their similar symptoms are a result of their new (and rich) lifestyle.
Actor Javier Barden stops by "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" (NBC at 11:35), along with musical guest the Whigs.
"Jimmy Kimmel Live!" (ABC at 12:05) hosts actors Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham, and Buckcherry performs.
So You Think You Can Dance' winner gets by NBC's 'Talent' Wednesday
Airing the SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Top 3 performance show, FOX ranked No. 1 last night on a total primetime basis among Adults 18-49 (tie), Adults 18-34, Teens (tie), Women 18-49/18-34 and Men 18-34.
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE posted a 2.1/7 for the night among Adults 18-49 -- identical to last week and up +5% in Adults 18-34 - and was the highest-rated program of the night among young adults. Summer-to-date SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE is up +7% in Total Viewers from its Fall'09 Tues/Wed average.
ABC ran repeats of The Middle at 8p (1.1/4) and 8:30p (1.1/4), followed by repeats of Modern Family (1.3/4), Cougar Town (1.0/3) and Castle (0.9/3).
On CBS, week five of Big Brother (2.4/8) was in line with last Wednesday's telecast. Repeats of Criminal Minds (1.6/5) and CSI: NY (1.2/4) followed at 9p and 10p.
Following a Minute To Win It (1.9/6) that was down -10%, NBC's America's Got Talent (2.7/8) was low, down -4% from last Wednesday and down -13% from its prior average on the night this summer (3.1/9). A repeat Law & Order: SVU posted a 1.8/6 at 10p.
And the Winner of So You Think You Can Dance Is ...
After a high-energy finale — which featured a rousing performance from Ellen DeGeneres and the return of injured contestant Alex Wong — America has crowned the seventh winner of So You Think You Can Dance.
And the winner is ...
Lauren Froderman.
The 18-year-old contemporary jazz dancer from Phoenix edged out Kent Boyd for the top spot. Froderman was a fan favorite from the beginning -- and was the last woman standing in the competition.
So You Think You Can Dance: Does America hate the female dancers?
Fans will always wonder, however, whether Wong would've been the last man standing had he not lacerated his Achilles tendon. Wong was wheeled out in the finale's opening number to huge applause.
Wong's most memorable number was also recreated in the finale. This time, DeGeneres took a spin on stage with Stephen "tWitch" Boss for the Tabitha and Napoleon hip-hop number that wowed viewers in the competition's third week.
Robert Roldan, 20, came in third
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