Monday, August 2, 2010

The Bachelorette’ Finale: Ali Fedotowsky Chooses…

Viva Roberto! Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky made her decision tonight — mercifully. The major moment of the series finale unfolded when Ali pulled a fast one on Chris (and all of us) by sending him home the day before the final rose ceremony. And it was truly a surprise — mostly because producers refrained from tipping us off with cheesy suspenseful background chords. (Don’t worry, they made up for it later, by playing a Muzak rendition of ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight?’ from ‘The Lion King.’)

So how did this twist rate on the impact scale? Kind of low, to be honest. Chris’s departure at one juncture or another was inevitable — how many more times could Ali stress that their bond was built on friendship? Even Chris seemed to know he was on the chopping block — his fauxhawk grew more and more distressed as the episode progressed.

But let’s give credit where credit’s due: good for Ali for saving Chris the trouble of sweat-ruining a suit in Bora Bora, and kudos to Chris on his classy exit. He wished Ali good luck, pointed out the positive parts of the experience, and went on his way without any Pavelka-like pyrotechnics — all of which supports the theory that Chris is actually a good, normal guy. Yeah, I remember when I thought that about Jason Mesnick — but like any good hopeful romantic, I really think this one’s different! And if ABC picks him to be the next centerpiece of “The Bachelor,” we’ll find out for sure. Take heart, Chris — I personally know at least one girl who was gunning for Ali to reject you so that she could have her shot. Be on the lookout for a sassy redhead.

What do you think, readers? Did Ali make the right choice? Will Chris become the next ‘Bachelor’? Let us know in the comments.

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