Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lorenzen Wright Funeral

Lorenzen Wright funeral ceremony held on Wednesday in which black and white dress was worn by all the mourners who were gathered to complete the funeral process of their beloved son. A large number of people were gathered in this ceremony which slowly and solemnly moved the casket of silver color of this for NBA superstar to its final destination.
Lorenzen Wright funeral ceremony was attended by hundreds of thousands of people in which his family members and friends were also included in addition to his fans and lovers. They all were gathered to solute their beloved superstar of NBA. His funeral along with memorial services was organized by FedEx Forum. Almost every eye was wet on this occasion. He was very much loved by the people being a family, charitable and gentle man.

Nick name of this NBA superstar was “Ren” which was given him by his fans. Body of this NBA superstar was found in the woody area on July 28, 2010 after a long search of minimum 10 days as he had been missing since July 18, 2010. This woody area is actually located outside Memphis. Unfortunate point is that still there is no improvement in his case as not a single person could be identified or arrested by the police authorities.
All friends and family members burst into tears upon talking to the large number of fans of this superstar who were gathered to attend the Lorenzen Wright funeral on Wednesday. They said that it is very difficult for them to believe the truth that their beloved son is no more.

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