Thursday, August 12, 2010

'So You Think You Can Dance' instant react: Season 7 champion revealed!

STOP! If you haven’t seen tonight’s So You Think You Can Dance finale stop reading now. I’m serious. After the jump, I’ll reveal the winner. Now I’ll pause and give you a second to find something else to read on

OK, to the rest of you: Just like my colleague Adam B. Vary, I finished last night’s episode unsure of who was going to be crowned America’s favorite dancer.

But when (once again for good measure: SPOILER ALERT) Robert was eliminated first, I wasn’t all that surprised. But curse the SYTYCD producers for making me wait the full two hours to reveal a name! All in the name of must-watch TV. But I’m not too upset about that. It did bring us several gems like …

1. Watching Alex F. Wong participate in the opening routine. Albeit in a chair, but he was still there!

2. The 7-year-old, Luke, tap dancing. Future SYTYCD contestant? Perhaps.

3. Ellen dancing with tWitch. It wasn’t a surprise, but still pretty fabulous.

And after all that, Cat Deeley opened one last card to (deep breath) reveal our winner: Lauren Froderman!

Enter my obnoxious girly squeal! (Seriously. I just squealed out loud by myself.) I thought Kent would win (so did Cat), but something tells me our small-town boy will be just fine.

Read Adam’s full recap tomorrow. But until then, what’s your instant reaction to Lauren winning? Are you happy? Disappointed? With these top three dancers I don’t think America could have made a bad choice. But the tribe has spoken. And now it’s your turn. Sound off in the comments below.

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