Thursday, August 5, 2010

‘Real Housewives of D.C.’: Michaele Salahi vs. Whoopi

Is it us or is “The View” driving the news cycle? Last week it was President Obama’s visit to the daytime TV kaffeeklatsch, and today it’s a mini-feud between co-host Whoopi Goldberg and White House partycrasher-turned-Bravo-reality-star Michaele Salahi.

The socialite and her fellow castmates on “The Real Housewives of D.C.”, which premieres tonight, appeared on “The Today Show” this morning to promote the new show, though all anyone cared about was “The View” incident.

To recap: Goldberg walked on stage during a segment to get Salahi’s attention and nudge her to address the White House party fiasco. Goldberg says that Salahi later suggested backstage that the co-host hit her. Whoopi went characteristically ballistic and turned the drama into Topic No. 1 on the show. Salahi cried. In an interview with Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford this morning, Salahi said she made no such hitting allegation. The nation appears rapt.

There are at least four people, however, who are over this story: Salahi’s Bravo castmates. “We’re so tired of hearing this and talking about it,” housewife Mary Schmidt Amons piped up, after sitting in silence for four minutes — a lifetime in morning talk show world! — as Gifford and Kotb peppered Salahi with questions. In response to Amons’ gripe, Kathie Lee perhaps said it best: “You better buckle up.”

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