Monday, August 2, 2010

The Bachelorette Finale: Who Did Ali Choose?

Spoiler Alert: Don't read this if you haven't yet seen the Bachelorette season finale.

After 10 rose ceremonies and the unexpected departure of two different suitors, Ali Fedotowsky's final choice was surprisingly easy for her: She avoided the customary dueling proposals and told Chris not to bother proposing, because she loved only Roberto.

The Bachelor's terrible track record: A history of failed romances

Ali's all-or-nothing campaign seems to have worked: Roberto had the same feelings for her.

Bachelorette poll results: Ali should choose Chris L!

Host Chris Harrison previously hinted at the ending, telling, "It's not your typical proposal day."

At least, not your typically Bachelorette proposal day, what with only one guy proposing and all. It was actually kind of... normal.

What do you think of Ali's surprising decision?

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